Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Digital Story Analysis

Digital Stories From the Field - Brondalyn

This short digital story was made by a twenty two year old college student who grew up in foster care and wanted to share her story. Brondalyn wanted to make a video about the positivity of foster care since it is usually shown in a negative light. In this short digital story she talks about her good experiences.
She made her short story with the National Resource Center For Permanency and Family Connections. Brondalyn grew up in the foster care system from the time she was six to the time she turned eighteen years old. She is a positive human being and sends a positive message about foster care and how she is thankful for everything she has been through.
The "gift" of the story would be Brondalyn conveying a message of positivity, love, and accomplishment. She felt loved when she got adopted by her foster parents. She is the president of the SGA where she attends college.
There was background music in the video along with a recorded voice over. There were no sound effects. The whole video was made up of photographs form different periods in her life. There were older photos of Brondalyn, as well as newer photos of Brondalyn with friends and family and there were also photos of her working events at her school and serving on the SGA.
This video was about two minutes long. I never lost interest in the story. I tried to put myself in her shoes and think about what it would be like to grow up in foster care. I just loved how the whole time she was sharing about the positive side of the system, instead of focusing on the negative and complaining, like what is usually done when it comes to the subject of foster care.

The Secret-Glenda Bonin
 This story was made by Glenda Bonin. This video exposes a family secret that Glenda felt like sharing. In this video Glenda shares that she had a very close family growing up until about the time she turned seven. When Glenda was a child her dad found out that he was born out of wed-lock and that he was adopted. He did not take the news very well. Glenda's father was determined to find his birth mother. He finds her, and in the process of building a relationship with his birth mother, he loses the relationship with his adoptive family. Her father was asked by his mother to keep the fact that he was her son a secret.
I think this is a powerful story and I admire the courage that Glenda had to share it. I think the most powerful and meaningful quote I got from this short story was something that Glenda said about her father. "Keeping the secret is one thing. Being the secret is something else all together."  
The majority of the sound in the video was a voice-over by Glenda. The only piece of music was in the end of the video; the last few seconds.
There were different photographs throughout the film of Glenda and her father. The film started off with a photograph of the big family that she grew up with. This was her father's adopted family. Later in the video it showed a picture of Glenda's father's birth mother. This photo was shown twice when she was referenced. Another key photo was one where the family was smiling and laughing with a man holding a bottle of alcohol. Since alcohol was a big part of her father's life, this was a very significant photo.
I just liked this digital story from the very beginning. Her voice was perfect with the photos and the tone with the story. I thought the lack of sounds and no music would bother me when I first started watching it, but instead I was drawn in more and paid closer attention to the photos and the emotion in Glenda's voice. It worked really well with just her voice over.

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