Monday, May 28, 2012


I learned a great deal during this class. I had never written a script. I had never really though about how to organize thoughts to create drama. Just that first step out into a creative world really changed me. I found myself wanting to delve deeper and deeper while in the editing process. Before I didn't appreciate everything that film makers did to go from a concept to a finished product, that will not be true in the future.

I am very glad that I took the digital storytelling class because of those changes but also because of the film I made. I have made something that I could share with friends and family. That movie is on the web which means it has been backed up and perhaps will be available for generations after I am gone. Showing the movie to my father was very emotional but I know I will be happy that I did years from now.

I will continue to make movies now that I know how much fun it is. I also will work to help others do the same because helping people tell their stories must be just as rewarding as telling your own.

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