Monday, May 28, 2012

As for my reflection:

As someone who loves stories, this class definitely opened my mind to the endless possibilities to every story. The process if you make it an enjoyable one, is enjoyable. At the end of the day, stories may be for the people, but it is a reflection of the author. I learned that because of the varying styles I saw on Thursday. Every story was uniquely told and presented, and reflected the personalities I had the privileged to get to know. If you continue to be a genuine as you showed yourselves to be, you will continue to tell the great stories you have already produced. I hope all of you go on to produce many more stories. I know I will.
Thank all you for putting up with my late start to Final Cut, and my off beat humor. Take care. I wish all of you the best, and hope to see you in the future soon!

-Matthew Copeland

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